ISTJ 😉 Hi there! I am Tyson and thank you for coming by.
I am a big fan of outdoor activities enjoying running, hiking and cycling. I am also a big foodie and I...
Austin, TX, 美國
Dallas, TX, 美國
喜欢旅游,美食,运动,尝试新鲜的事物,适应学习能力强,分享欲强。 健身,钻研美食,组织朋友出去郊游,看电影,美剧,学习一项新技能…….I would say anything that’s fun and relax. 一堆各朋友聚在一起爬山,徒步,聊天,吃饭,娱乐 美食,运动,睡觉,学习,自愈 坚强,乐观,身体健康,...
😊 If anyone reads this that is looking for a serious relationship and wants to try, please message me. That does not mean that we have expectations and pressure...
在中国东北出生、长大。六年前来到休斯顿。国内医学院毕业,现在Texas medical center做研究。有一只对猫过敏的小狗。
I’m a bit shy and slow witted in the begi...
Houston, TX, 美國
Happiness is found in balance. Find passion in life's work & apply. Travel far & wide. Yoga & exercise to tune the physical self. Eat well & taste the rainbow l...
你好!我来自上海。父母是三甲医院的教授。知识分子家庭出身的我做事认真负责,同时性格幽默大气。身材高挑气质佳的我希望可以找到一位志同道合,成熟有涵养有包容的男生一起分享绚烂的人生。无论环境是好是坏,是富贵是贫穷,是健康是病痛,我都会陪你一起走下去。I work from home, therefore, I am fle...
Dallas, TX, 美國
财务小姐姐 (ENTJ)
不焦虑 不内卷 拒绝精神内耗
热爱生活 向光而行☀️~
Nice, Sweet, Kind in heart, Easy-going and Fun,not afraid to try new things.
I also believe that trust, g...
Traveled to more than 100 countries Traveling Blunt; big thinker; spontaneous Moving at this stage of life to live in the US just this month! Int...