A very passionate, enthusiastic, eccentric & witty down to earth guy. I’m 39, 5’10, never been married no kids, & truly looking for my life partner that can le...
Fremont, CA, 美國
ESTJ人格,目前人在美国,住在硅谷,已经转了F1学生签证,很喜欢加州的阳光和生活,希望能在这里留下来。 1、Take English classes 、
prepare for IELTS and GMAT
apply for a master d...
我是土生土長的美籍華裔,媽媽爸爸是廣東中山人。曾就讀City College Of San Francisco,畢業於UC Davis,獲得Civil Engineering學士學位,現從事土木工程管理。 雖然我是大眾口中的“ABC", 但是在這樣一個文化多樣性的國家成長,我認識了很多來自世界各地的朋友,也因為出生在一...
你好,我叫Philip。 很高興來到這裡。 我是美國華僑。 我會說粵語。 我正在尋找另一半(先是女朋友,後再慢慢談婚姻),當然,首先我希望可以先與您聊天,多點了解,直到我們雙方都願意交換聯絡方式。
我來這裡的原因是我的圈子很小,而且我的工作日程安排不尋常。 因此,遇見新朋友相當困難。
Hello, my name is...
San Mateo, CA, 美國
No party. 工程师,喜欢build东西. Serious Relationship only YouTube,Hangout with friends,Still working,Reading,Sleep YouTube show, Tech, New Idea, New Experience 互相照顾,共同...
Im a theatre major who loves to perform on stage I hope to be an actor one day. I love to bike and go hiking and swimming and tennis and boxing and yoga and enj...
I like culture, meeting people, and learning different things. I have worked hard my entire working life to get to where I am, its important to me, that being s...