Active, Balanced, Confident, Creative, Energetic Foodie, Hiking, New age music, Traveling Have dim sim, Sashimi
Traveling to Asia and Europe. Looks young. My pa...
New York, NY, 美国
在澳洲留学7年,现移居美国10年,在网络公司做销售主管,电子工程硕士毕业 看电影,玩游戏,看书,睡觉,看美剧,探索新的地方,参观各种博物馆 逛博物馆(尤其是关于历史的),网上购物,看新闻,追美剧 家人,朋友,书,目标,健康 诚实,聪明,幽默 Sam the man,have a kind heart 半夜一个人去电影院...
Straight forward. Fun to be with. Would like to learn how to cook and playing piano. Gym, judo , soccer. Summer time I go to kayaking mostly Food, IT, finance, ...
大学毕业即创业,一直忙于工作不喜社交,希望在此遇到相知相爱的Mr Right 成家生娃。此生最重要也最幸福的事就是做个好女儿、好妻子、好妈妈。
在妈妈的强烈要求下刚注册此网站,收到的消息太多,不喜欢网聊也不想浪费彼此时间,不在湾区生活工作的就不用cue我了,谢谢理解! 可以窝沙发里看书、冥想、睡觉一整天😊 乖乖地待在家...
Los Angeles, CA, 美国
One of my 2025 New Year's resolution is to update the dating profile, so here we go. Updated on Jan. 12, 2025.
Currently based in Southern California - Monterey...
I am a Data Scientist with a Master’s Degree from Rutgers, a US Citizen born to a US father and Chinese mother and raised in Beijing, China and 100% Native Flue...