😊 If anyone reads this that is looking for a serious relationship and wants to try, please message me. That does not mean that we have expectations and pressure...
在中国东北出生、长大。六年前来到休斯顿。国内医学院毕业,现在Texas medical center做研究。有一只对猫过敏的小狗。
I’m a bit shy and slow witted in the begi...
Houston, TX, 美国
Happiness is found in balance. Find passion in life's work & apply. Travel far & wide. Yoga & exercise to tune the physical self. Eat well & taste the rainbow l...
你好!我来自上海。父母是三甲医院的教授。知识分子家庭出身的我做事认真负责,同时性格幽默大气。身材高挑气质佳的我希望可以找到一位志同道合,成熟有涵养有包容的男生一起分享绚烂的人生。无论环境是好是坏,是富贵是贫穷,是健康是病痛,我都会陪你一起走下去。I work from home, therefore, I am fle...
诚如罗素所言”Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and un...
Houston, TX, 美国
A landscape designer with 2 master degrees
loves smiles and sharing
excited to explore the cities and museums yoga, cooking, hiking and watching movies Hidden F...
Spring, TX, 美国
Came to the US at 12
Quiet and considerate. Introvert.
Love exploring the world and try new things Watch movies, basketball games, TV shows.
Go to the gym.
I work really long hours sometimes but am proud of where I came from. I believe in perseverance. I own way too many board games for an int...
Houston, TX, 美国
If you're superficial, skip me Reading,Music,Traveling,Cooking Serious relationship...
Katy, TX, 美国
内心平和有光!经济独立,生活自由没压力。寻有缘人共渡时光!An incredible woman with peace in mind and happiness in heart! Live a comfortable life with a military background. 看书,看电影,听音乐,做美食,唱...
Houston, TX, 美国
Wants to travel the world.
Likes being organized and enjoys cleaning the house.
Driven to be financially independent and retire early.
Enjoys eating sweets. Res...